
Simple. Useful. Efficient & Free forever.

No Flash. No frameworks. Just 3kb gzipped

click here to see the tutorial
Don't re-invent the wheel, Just re-align It


nova.css is a cool, fun and cross-browser effect set so you can use them in your web and mobile projects as ionic. Ideal for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and adding water in general.


Just download a ZIP file and past in your project.
No Flash. No frameworks. Just 3kb gzipped


First, include the script located on the css folder.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/nova.min.css">

How to use

Nova.css is simple to use just add the class name of the effect to the element to which you want it to apply. For example if I want to use the pulse effect nv-back-pulse

<a href="" class="button nv-back-pulse"></a>

Browser Support

  • Chrome logo

    Chrome 42+

  • Edge logo

    Edge 12+

  • Firefox logo

    Firefox 41+

  • Internet Explorer logo

    IE 9+

  • Opera logo

    Opera 29+

  • Safari logo

    Safari 10+

The good news is that nova.css gracefully degrades if you need to support older browsers.